Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Going Green

Every day we hear more and more about how we need to do our share in preserving the earth by doing and going more "Green." I have to say I agree because if we do not do what we can to save the wonders of nature of this world we will not have an glorious place to live and share with our children or grandchildren.

Today I took the time to check out the various alternative power sources for my house and believe it or not I am seriously thinking along the line of getting my personal wind turbine as well as solar panels to have applied to my roof. In making such an investment will save me at a minimum of $80.00 to $200.00 per month on my power bills. That would be enough savings that would pay me back for the initial investment over a twelve year period. That may sound like a long time for an invest to be repaid and to begin to generate a gain in profit from that point on. However, I am taking into consideration that the price of energy is on a continuous upward climb and no knows when or if it will ever come down. That would be like in five years what I currently pay for my monthly power bill of $197.00 could climb to well over $300.00 per month. But by doing my part of going "Green" and installing a wind turbine along with solar panels I would be saving month after month and might even have the power company paying me for the use of my turbine or solar panels. Yes the initial expense would be upward to $30,000.00, but if the power company comes back and pays me for the energy I generate and my system pays for itself over 12 years as well as generate an additional income for myself then why are there not many other people taking the same objective as I am?

I can purchase a wind turbine that will allow for my surrounding neighbors to be connected to my energy source and they too can save money on the power bill and what they would have to pay me would be a drop in the bucket compared to the money they will save over their first year of use.

I am including a web link so you can go and check out some of the very information that I researched so that you can have an idea how important it is to consider becoming green as I have.

Click Here!

Either of these sites will bring you information. Have a wonderful day and many blessings.
