Saturday, July 10, 2010

Working to sum things up

Today I am looking into the future at at the age of 49 and wondering what kind of life I have to look forward to.  Currently single after be divorced for sixteen years, the kids are grown, and my grandson has become the occupant of the warmest spot of my heart.

As I take a collective inventory of where I have been and what I have accomplished, and it makes me wonder if the forward years can be as exciting and fun as those I have already traveled through.  I was gifted by the two most wonderful children any mom could have been given.  I was given the opportunity to experience the challenges of going through the milestones that children go through from infancy, adolescence, and dare to forget the teen years, and now they are grown adults themselves.  My daughter going through the same experiences with my grandson, and my son who will be a first time father come October.  So I will pass on my trials and tribulations on to them as they carry on the path of parenthood.

I have traveled to places that most people on read about and had the first hand education of those lands and how they have changed throughout history.  One of my most cherished gifts are all of the people that I have gotten to meet and become friends with and stayed in contacted and grown to acquire a soft spot within my heart.  I get to adhere their advice when it comes to matters of the heart, overcoming challenges in the business industry, and even with understanding myself.  Today so many people do not take the time to notice there are people that can change their lives if all they do is say hello or even smile.

As of today I have been unemployed since January 2009, I have applied, and sent out resumes to over 630 companies and the replies I have received are those telling me that I am over qualified, my credit score is not sufficient for their standards, or they do not consider anyone that has to relocate.  When you look at the complete picture I only want a position that I can provide my experience, skills, abilities, and education, just because I am 49 does not mean that I am going to need an overhaul in the next 25 years.  So I have decided to take all my experience of business and extend my service to businesses that need someone from the outside help them solve their problems that they cannot overcome.  I have worked in accounting and finance for over 29 years and with all of that and what I also have learned gaining my bachelor degree along with my master degree I have a professional view and knowledge that I can share with other business people. 

I believe that if we all search within ourselves we can overcome any element that may possibly be holding us back and achieve with great triumphs.  Although the road maybe bumpy and may have huge boulders to destroy along the journey of success.

My thought to you would be to strive forward, hold your head high, and  I will meet you at the finish line.


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