Tuesday, July 13, 2010

When it is time for a change

After selling my business July 06, 2009, I wanted to go back to work in the area of human resources management so that I could train and educate employees for the company, but that has yet to happen.  Since I am not someone that likes sitting around and doing nothing I have decided to make some changes, the first is I am moving from the gulf coast of Alabama back to the mid-west where I grew up and the second is I have been researching the internet and have found a system that I am going to experiment with to see it will generate an income.  I am still proceeding with my master degree program, as I am not a quitter, but if I cannot get hired after sending out, going on, and filling out 680 + job postings then I need to explore my options.  There are so many scams that take so many peoples last dollar and dim their hope of being financially rescued that it should be illegal for those people to have the right to use the internet. 

I have decided to dedicate my time between my course work and researching, experimenting, and exploring this system I have found to see if I can achieve making an income from it and if I do I will publish my findings and results as to the income it will generate.  Then anyone wanting to try my tactical strategy to making money with their computer will have a pathway to go down that has already be tried and proven.

I will let you know where I land and call home when I get back to the mid-west and I will also keep you up to date on my progress with my online income system.  Call me silly, lost my mind, but I know for sure it is the things I do not try, will never be documented for other people in the same shoes I am in to strive for.  Besides if I continue to sit here, with no income my retirement will be gone before I am 52, then I will be living out of my car and I refuse to visualize myself in that position. 

Wish me luck and I will write soon.


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