Friday, August 27, 2010

Personal Suggestions

I hope you are having a great day as I am sitting here this afternoon enjoying a rain shower move through from the Gulf of Mexico.  It is so nice how a short fifteen minute shower can cool things of until the high level of humidity comes crashing down.  One thing is for sure, if you are concerned about having a high maintenance hair style, the gulf coast is not the place for it as the humidity will cut it down in as little as thirty minutes in the weather.  Maybe that is why I now keep mine long and straight, very fitting.

Speaking of styles, I am not bragging by any means, but I have women ask me all the time how I keep my skin looking so young as I do not have wrinkles or fine lines, and no sagging skin or dark circles around my eyes.  Well all I can usually say is it must have been in my genes, but realistically I am not one to spend a lot of time or money on makeup or designer creams, and have no desire to have some doctor cut on my face to aid in getting the lift of a younger look.  What I can share is that I do not use bar soap on my face, my main facial cleanser is my own homemade mixture of Wintergreen Isopropyl  Rubbing Alcohol and Witch Hazel.  I mix them in a balance of half and half and it is great for removing makeup, re-freshening my skin, or a quick wipe on cotton will take away any excess oils.  As a day cream under my makeup (when I do wear it) I use Vitamin E Cream, it is quick absorbent and it is light and it also keeps the elasticity in my skin.  As my night cream after cleaning my face with my personal mixture I apply a light coverage of Retinol Cream, which is a mixture of Vitamin E and other natural ingredients.  I know your next question will be, "does it cost a lot?"  That answer has to be no, as for the Wintergreen Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol and Witch Hazel, I purchase that from the Dollar Tree where everything is only one dollar.  The Vitamin E Cream and Retinol Cream I purchase from Puritan's Pride where you can buy one and get one free and the cost is under four dollars each or two dollars give or take because of tax.

Now, I hope that since I have shared my personal skin care products, that should you decide to give them a try, you will find them as productive for you as I have for me.  Another remedy that you might find somewhat strange but it really works, if you have those brown age spots coming on your arms or legs, rub in some plain yogurt on them and they will fade away.  There is no smell, or stickiness, or anything like that, but after doing that everyday for about two weeks you will see the dark spots lighten up.    The last tip I will pass on for today is that right after shaving your legs, before they dry put some gel baby oil on and rub it in to save the moisture in your skin and there will be no razor burn or scaling look to your legs.  In fact once they have been oiled and that absorbs you legs have a youthful shine to them.  Every night before I go to bed I lotion my arms and legs with cocoa butter and Shea butter cream that I purchase separately and mix them together as to have the same balance of each product.  The cocoa butter aids in keeping your extremities moist from dry air and the Shea butter firms your skin to improve the tone.

There you have my personal secrets of why I look the way I do with no wrinkles or fine lines.  I cannot say that it is one thing in general or a mix of all of them together, but it is true at the age of 49, I am told all the time I do not look a day over 35.  Some people have told my daughter and we look more like sisters that mother and daughter.  Kira does not know if they are saying she looks old or if I am youthful, but it does give my ego a boost that keeps me smiling.  Have a great weekend.

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