Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fall is just around the corner

Time flies when we get caught up in our everyday lives and before we know it another month has past.  Today it hit me that it is the middle of August and I had not post to my blog, so I am catching up and sharing some thoughts. 

By the end of September hopefully the hurricane season will be on the down low and it will be that time to put away all the summer gear that we toot to the beach or lake each weekend.  Then there comes storing away the summer clothes and bringing out the winter attire (but make sure to keep at least one pair of flip-flops in the closet).  I do not know about you, but as I put away all of the summer stuff I reminisce about the fun times and the smile upon my grandsons face as he enjoys all the carefree times he is sharing with family.  Of course cannot leave out those memories of how my daughter stresses out about making sure they take every possible water toys that the boys might want to play with and how she comes up with a military plan to drag all that stuff to the beach in one trip.  Oh, the memories of how young mother's will learn on their own that sooner or later most of that stuff will not even be used.  Kids will find one or two toys and call it good.

As much as I think of those memories and remember how things were when I was her age as a young mother, I realize that just as I did she will learn.  I have learned trying to tell her things to make her life a bit easier is the same as killing the mocking bird, she having somewhat of a hard head has to learn on her own.  So the snickers, and grins will be my way of supporting her and seeing how she is taking her path of learning parenthood.  Grandkids are great in the lessons they teach their parents, just as children taught us grandparents those same lessons years ago, however it seems comical when it happens to our children.

I will close with a thought, and that is where has the respect gone?  By that I mean, back when Theodore Roosevelt was president and he would have been slandered and lip slapped as President Obama has been since he took office the prisons would be overflowing with so many people guilty of treason.  President Roosevelt  had ideas and plans and set up programs to help people in such a direction that much of the nation thought he had gone mad, but he stood fast and completed what he started and if we look back on history, his programs helped so much of our nation overcome the great depression.  It is true people do not like change and is just human nature, but sometimes the hardest thing to except is sometime change has to happen to bring better for the nation as a whole.

I may not be a political correct voice, but for all these people yelling that President Obama is the destruction of our nation, why was President G.W. Bush ever held accountable for lying to the nation about the arms of mass destruction that were never found and put the U.S. into a war that has cost so many lives that was not needed?  Why was Sarah Palen allowed to resign from Govern of Alaska and not be held accountable for the funds she excepted to build a bridge that was never build and she did not return the money to the government as she should have?  Why are all these people who are yelling about the current president did not have their name on the Presidential  ballet, since to hear them talk they could do a much better job?  Why did they not run for president if they can do such a much better job?  Kinda makes you wonder where is the United States headed...

Have a wonderful evening and know that you are always in my prayers.

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