Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bringing Proof

To the current date, by applying myself and setting a course to accomplish what so many people thought I could have never bring completion to, I have achieved completion by acquiring my associate degree by November 2008, my bachelor degree by March 2010, and to have a full query to the diplomas that I hang on my wall will be my master degree that I will complete in August 2011. Sure that will add to my dusting but the time with my nose in the books and all the research of information and constructing papers, books, and coming to terms that I was so very wrong with just sliding through school back in the day.

I kick myself for not pushing myself and going after an education that I could have used all these years to make a difference that might have just been a positive action in someone else in their walk in life today. I am more intelligent than I ever gave myself credit for and I am so glad that I never ventured in politics because there are so many flaws in the government of the United States today that all of the public of this nation is only looking for someone to blame for all the wrong, but will not take a stand for their own eras.

As I see it the country was screwed by the Bush administration not just when Bush Sr. was in office but again when George W. went into office by as all politicians do Lying to America and as supporting public listened to his every word within those lies. Today, the country has a President that is not of "Texan" background of the "good ole boys" club, who is standing strong on improving life for ALL not just the suck ups that think men with brains come from Texas.

Being an American, I took a step back analyzed the techniques previous Presidents have taken to accomplish issues that would be in the better interest of the general public and all I found were issues that were positive for all those "good ole boys." Turn on the television today and all you can hear on the news is how everything going bad in this country is President Obama's fault. The facts that he is cleaning up the big MESS left behind by previous Presidents and because he is not kissing the behinds of all those "good ole boys" makes him having as one reporter stated low in the polls. The big question I have to ask is, "When in the world will any of those good ole boys going to be held accountable for all the MESS they created?" When as Americans do each of us stand up and say enough is enough and for once do something for the better of the country?

Immigration is totally out of control and the people of this nation wants to blame the President, when it was George W. Bush wanted to open the boards and now that there are more and more millions of illegals in OUR country claiming they are the backbone of our workforce. The fact is so many Americans would rather hide an illegal than to serve their country with pride to stand up to make those same illegals go back to their own country where if an American was caught there without proper papers would be jailed and no questions asked to either be transported back across the boarder to this country or detained in jail with no chance to see freedom again. So please tell me why are illegal immigrants allowed freedom in the United States and do not have to go through the same processes and treatment that any American would not be given elsewhere? Why do illegal immigrants be allowed to receive food stamps, rental assistance, and get on government assistance programs when so many born Americans are denied?

I have been unemployed since January 14, 2009, I have applied for 689 jobs in my local area, surrounding cities, opened to searching nationwide and the ironic point of it all is the one phrase I continually hear again and again, "I am to experienced, over qualified," and regardless of the fact that I want to work and I need a job to repay all of the student loans hanging over my head, I cannot get hired. I have 29 years working accounting, human resources management, general management, and let us not for get insurance sales, which by the way is one of the largest scams being ran in this country when it comes to health coverage. If you think I am wrong about that, you yourself need to do some serious research on how many people that filed a claim with their health insurance company over the last 10 years got their coverage canceled.

I bet you did not know that 8 out of every 10 people that filed a claim with their medical coverage company within the first 60 days of coverage were canceled, because somewhere in micro print that any claim filed in the first year would result in cancellation of coverage. Wow, and then you doubt the President for wanting health reform. I personally think it is about time the insurance companies be put on the chopping block to stop their scamming ways.

Have a nice day, and I can honestly say I have benefited by the research I have done and continue to do.

See you next time.

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