Friday, June 4, 2010

Didn't See That One Coming

If we all take every event in our life serious we would all be pushing up the most beautiful daisies you could ever imagine. At the age of 47 I returned to finish getting my college degree that I promised my Dad that I would when I was 22. I just never realized there were so many cobwebs in my attic that would have to be cleared in order to get those cogs for education turning again. Once they got to turning, I scared myself with the first "A" I made on an assignment. It was great, especially when I have two grown children that had to ask who I paid to do it for me. It was then and there the challenge was on, but in order to understand why my going after my degree was so important I have to back track a few years, OK a bunch of years.

You see I was the third child of three children in my family. My older sister was somewhat of a brainiack, my brother did not seem to ever have any kind of interest in classroom learning, which left me. I did not want to be like my sister, always studying all the time - boring, but I did not want to be in trouble all the time for not getting good grades either, so I did as little as possible to make average grades just to get me through and move on. Now if I would have applied myself back then as I should of, I realize how different things could have been for today.

I should have given more attention to Algebra, sentence structure, and public speaking life as a college student at the age of 47 would have been not quite so stressful. I found taking online classes worked well with my schedule of my work, family, and still having time for me. So I thought! I received an invitation to be apart of the advanced classes because of my past work experience, skills in the business field, and my ability to be very well organized. Without taking a second thought, since I did not take a first thought agreed to be in the advanced classes. This is where the gray hair started increasing at a much faster pace. My schedule changed from taking one course each session to taking two, no big deal right, think again. This meant that I would be taking two courses every 5 1/2 weeks. I would be taught the same amount of information in those short 5 1/2 weeks that students on a physical campus would be learning over the course of a full semester. What have I gotten myself into?

Think about it and more will come.

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